PFAN Cooling Investment Forum

PFAN Cooling Investment Forum

The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is delighted to invite you to its inaugural Cooling Investment Forum, which will take place on Wednesday, 24 March 2021 (from 9:00 - 10:30 GMT) and Friday 26 March 2021 (from 9:00 - 11:30 GMT).

Through generous funding by the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Program, PFAN has been providing business coaching and investment facilitation to small and medium-sized enterprises developing efficient and clean cooling projects in emerging markets.

Since 2019, the programme has supported more than 30 cooling projects with investment ask of between US$1 million to US$50 million. PFAN’s upcoming Cooling Investor Forum will showcase five of these projects for investor consideration, and introduce them to regional investors that have a stated interested in cooling solutions. The five projects are:

  1. ACI Agrolink Ltd., Bangladesh
  2. Inficold India Pvt. Ltd., India
  3. Oorja Energy Engineering Pvt. Ltd., India
  4. Koolboks, Nigeria
  5. Sokofresh, Kenya

The Cooling Investor Forum is spread over two sessions:
Day 1 - 24 March 2021 (from 9:00 - 10:30 GMT)

  • On the first day, the Forum will introduce the cooling imperative and global state of play; PFAN’s approach to supporting clean energy and climate entrepreneurs and connecting them with finance; and current cooling investment issues.

Day 2 - 26 March 2021 (from 9:00 - 11:30 GMT)

  • On the second day, project developers will present the details of each showcased project, and allow the investor panel to ask questions and establish practical connection with the developers.

Please click on the registration link to join us.

If you need any assistance with registration, please contact us.

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