Re-Powering NSW 2016

Australia’s energy industry is in the midst of a transition as it moves towards a lower carbon energy mix. In NSW, where the majority of generation comes from ageing coal fired assets there is a particularly strong need to develop a clear path forward with an understanding of the impacts it will have for all stakeholders.

Re-Powering NSW, being held from 25 - 27 October at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney, is bringing together key stakeholders from the length of the energy supply chain across the state to address the key issues at hand. With no ‘silver bullet’ available to decarbonise the energy system, it will be a range of generation technologies and policy mechanisms that facilitate this transition.

Over three days, executives from generators, networks, retailers and disruptors as well representatives of government, feedstock, end users and workers will discuss and debate the best options available and the best path forward.

For all those with a stake in the future energy landscape in NSW, Re-Powering NSW plays an unparalleled opportunity to get first hand insights from the companies leading the way and policy makers setting the agenda as well as engage with both.


Deen Haniff
[javascript protected email address]

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