Summer training course on circular economy: policies and practices

ACR+ and Venice International University are organising the Summer training course on circular economy: policies and practices.

This training course will provide civil servants (public administrations) and professionals (utilities and firms) with an overview on the EU Circular Economy policies and practices as well as with a practical guide for their implementation at national, regional and local level.

High-level international experts/practitioners will present case studies/best practices related to, among the others: resource management, SME’s support, behavioural change, legal and economic instruments.

The course includes different sessions, such as

  • lectures by international experts;
  • workshops and open discussion, where experiences from experts and participants are shared, analysed, and discussed in order to design and implement circular economy strategies;
  • site visits, where practical experiences on the implementation of successful circular economy activities are offered.

Participants will be guided through the development of concrete projects that can be implemented individually as well as jointly submitted for funding within EU, regional and national programmes.

Registrations for the training course are currently open. Deadline for registrations: 12 April 2017.

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