Supply Chains in Crisis

There is a growing demand for brands to move beyond tier 1 auditing to identifying deep supply chains risks. In particular, the private sector needs to better address risks linked to child labour, forced labour, trafficking and refugees. Increasingly, human rights issues and accusations around modern day slavery will impact on reputation, brand and potential damage claims. Consumers are increasingly aware of human rights issues deep down supply chains and there will be growing demand from stakeholders for full supply chain traceability and a need for much more cooperation amongst different actors to address issues.

Guest lecturer Richard Welford, Chairman of CSR Asia, will share some of the major campaigns and supply chain ‘scandals’ of recent years and the transformation and change these have brought about. He will talk about emerging approaches (and their respective challenges) including sustainability labelling and certification, joint industry initiatives, and collaborating with NGOs, local government and other stakeholders in key supply chain locations. This one and a half hour session will also include company case-studies to illustrate different approaches to tackling the supply chain crisis of today.

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