The 2nd Annual Women in Operations Leadership Summit 2017

A successful operations leader is efficient and realistic, with a focus on quality and the ability to manage a diverse portfolio of responsibilities. This essential section of business management is complex, broad and sometimes difficult to define. However, operations leadership roles are integral to an organisation’s ability to execute strategy through maintaining stability and smooth delivery. In a role overseeing various internal groups, the successful operations leader ensures each component of the business are integrated into the same business plan with well-defined responsibilities and accountability.

In both the public and private sector across industry, business operations are predominantly led by men in the executive suite. However, this is not an indicator of uniquely male ability. In fact, essential operations management skills, such as translating strategy in to action, opening up communication channels and the ability to manage ambiguity or competing demands, are closely aligned with many naturally feminine traits. The challenges for aspiring and emerging female operations leaders are generally associated with breaking through the glass ceiling and stepping up the corporate ladder in a male-dominated space. As a result, female operations leaders must generate strategies and techniques to overcome the barriers of nontraditional career paths.

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