Tools & Methods for Monitoring & Evaluating in NRM

Monitoring and evaluating to report the impact of the investment made in land, biodiversity and water continues to be challenging and fragmented across programs and regional, state and national scales.

While robust systems are in place to ensure accountability for investment in activities, the outcomes from this investment are more difficult to account for.

Program managers clearly understand the benefits of the work they do, and at a site scale can often gather strong evidence. However, their ability to convey the benefits at national, state and regional scale is very limited.

This has meant that, while a large volume of information exists, its collection has been driven through unrelated processes, using different methods and standards.

This conference will discuss projects in light of the need for consistency and integration, with the objective of enabling NRM programs to report more effectively about the impact of the investment they make.

What you will take away:

  • Overview of the current M&E strategies and plans across regional, state and national scales
  • Case study examples of M&E programs in other jurisdictions
  • Insights into discussions regarding future pathways for M&E

Visit the website for more information


Maree Magdas
[javascript protected email address]

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