UNLEASH is a global initiative committed to bringing the world’s top talents together to share ideas, build networks and create solutions to help reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UNLEASH has also been recognised as one of the world’s most influential sustainability brands (Onalytica).
Our Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia (SIM) Hack is an ideation Hack and is being hosted on June 5th and 12th and focuses on Singapore’s Green Plan and solutions for regional decarbonization efforts that can help reach the targets set out in the Plan. The aim of the Hack is to give youth in our region a platform to ideate solutions for 3 tracks: 1) Waste and Water 2) Energy 3) Food Security. After the event, we will be working with the teams to move the solution into prototyping and implementation for long-term impact.
Participants can apply at bit.ly/SIMTalentApp or reach out to us at unleashhackssim@gmail.com for more information.
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