China seen canceling subsidy for largest solar projects

China, forecast to become the largest solar-power market this year, may abolish subsidy programs for some of its largest projects and target the money instead to smaller ones, an industry official said.

Ending subsidies for utility-scale projects would avoid duplication, Meng Xiangan, vice chairman of the China Renewable Energy Society in Beijing, said in an interview. The new policy would preserve aid for less-powerful plants owned by the final user of the electricity, Meng said. His organization acts as a liaison between the government and industry.

Should the government confirm the move, incentives under the Golden Sun program would shrink just as China calls on developers to install more photovoltaic devices than any other country. Its manufacturers already are hurting. Suntech Power Holdings Co., the world’s biggest solar-panel maker in 2011, became unprofitable and stopped paying its debts last week.

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