City’s concrete spread must be on eco-friendly lines: Centre for Science and Environment

This summer’s power and water crises in Indian cities are a warning to either build energy and water prudent green buildings or perish. This was the concern that emerged from a national media briefing titled ‘Build them green: Deconstructing the building sector in India’ recently conducted by the New Delhi-based research and advocacy organisation, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE).

The foci were the environmental challenges and solutions for the building construction sector for cities like Pune, which are badly affected by water crises if the monsoon is delayed. They may also face a power shortage in the future.

The researchers pointed out that in India, buildings are responsible for 40 per cent of energy use, 30 per cent of the raw material use, 20 per cent of water use, and 20 per cent of land use in cities. At the same time, they cause 40 per cent of carbon emissions, 30 per cent of solid waste generation, and 20 per cent of water effluents. Civic activists, politicians and urban planners in Pune agree that the city must consider the environmental impact of construction activities in the city.

“Construction in all parts of Pune city is rising. Last year, the city added 63,49,667 sq m (floor area) construction, of which 53,51,845 sq m was residential construction, while 9,97,822 sq m was for commercial purpose,” the Pune Municipal Corporation’s Environment Status Report for 2010-11 states.

It also draws attention to the fact that the city does not have a mechanism to deal with construction waste and there is no system to control the use of water for construction purposes. It is only during a crisis that the PMC wakes up to the water usage for construction. The ESR insists that the appropriate policies could help the city save water and energy.

The centre’s research reiterates that there is potential for resource saving in buildings if appropriate policies are in place. With more efficient lighting, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration and architectural design, it is possible to save 30 to 70 per cent of energy. The 2010 McKinsey estimates confirm that the national power demand can be reduced by as much as 25 per cent in 2030 by improving energy efficiency of buildings and operations.

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency has also stated that even existing buildings have the potential to save 30 to 50 per cent of energy. Similarly, substantial water savings is possible. Only by improving the water efficiency of the fixtures can the water demand be reduced by more than 30 per cent.

Nationalist Congress Party MP and city president Vandana Chavan said that as construction in the city is on rise, a “green plan” is a must.

“As the first step towards an eco-friendly city, we have asked the civic administration to draw up a green plan. This five-year plan will assess the green cover in the city and cutting of trees because of construction. We cannot afford to lose the hills, natural water resources and trees for massive constructions,” said Chavan.

Anumita Roychowdhury, executive director-research and advocacy, CSE said, “Green measures are needed not only to reduce resource impacts of rich people’s home, but also to improve thermal comfort of poor people’s home. Build support for green buildings; do not reduce it to a green coat and a sham to protect realty profits.”

The centre’s research points out that there is no clear benchmarking for assessing resource use, waste generation and mitigation strategies. The current mechanism of assessing the vital impacts on water, energy, waste, and traffic are not guided by clear targets, it noted.

Civic activist Vivek Velankar said the civic body should show some seriousness about maintaining natural resources: “The PMC is busy issuing rampant construction permissions without making any environment impact assessment. Drinking water is used for construction in the city and also in the outskirts. The PMC has no control over this.”

He pointed out that the Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) has proposed a hike of 18 per cent in the electricity rates which could add to the burden of common citizens and the city needs a strategy to prevent use of excessive energy.

Urban planner Anita Gokhale Benninger adds, “The city and its politicians are only talking of floor space index and more construction. We don’t know what we will do with huge buildings which will have no water, no power supply and fire fighting equipment.”

She added that environment is not the concern of city planners and corporators.

“Protection of our natural heritage, mitigation of our carbon footprint, carbon and other green house gases sequestration by promoting creation of biodiversity parks on hills, restoration of biodiversity and riparian flora and fauna are integral parts of the green development plan for the city.

“I object to making monetary gains in the land market. Every consideration for civic safety, good health and comfort are compromised by first reducing the norms for provision of amenities and facilities per 1,000 population and then removing, reducing and relocating the reservations of land required for these amenities and facilities without giving the rationale for these decisions,” she added.

City engineer Prashant Waghmare said the PMC is trying to introduce some measures in the Development Plan (DP) for the old city.

“The PMC will identify spots for dumping of debris and also introduce more stringent norms for use of water and traffic impact. The civic body already offers incentives to eco-friendly buildings,” he said.

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