The Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) group, including the Philippines, reminded developed countries that developing countries are doing more than their fair share to save the climate at the close of the first round of climate talks this week in Bonn, Germany.
A recent study by the Stockholm Environment Institute and Oxfam reveals that developing countries are going to contribute more to cutting greenhouse gases than developed countries. The study estimates that over 60 per cent of emissions cuts by 2020 are likely to be made by developing countries.[1]
“Despite having to prioritize poverty reduction and being vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, there is an abundance of climate action by developing countries. However, this is more worrying than welcome,” said Dr. Gary Theseira of Malaysia who delivered the statement of the group at the closing of the climate talks.
“It means that developed countries are moving farther and farther away from their historical responsibility.” Dr Theseira said.
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