Indonesia advised to verify industries using hazardous materials

Business players have suggested that the government verify industries using hazardous materials to prevent illegal use of the chemicals detrimental to human health and the environment.

“There have been many reported cases of illegal use of hazardous materials. The Trade Ministry should verify all industries using hazardous materials to see if they have bought and used the materials according to the capacity,” Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Businessmen Association (Apindo) Franky Sibarani said at the Trade Ministry building here on Monday as reported by news portal.

He said among the hazardous materials which were often abused in the production of goods were explosives, formaldehyde and borax. At least 45 different industries used hazardous materials, including ammonia, textile, pulp and paper, fertilizer, cosmetic, mining and motor vehicle spare part industries, he said.

Franky said actually the government had controlled the procurement and distribution of hazardous materials through Regulation of the Trade Minister No. 44 of 2009.

Under the regulation, any producer intending to import hazardous materials must secure a permit from the director general of foreign trade at the Trade Ministry, he said.

The imported hazardous materials must be used only for the manufacture of goods and must not be traded or transferred to other parties, he said. Commercial companies were also allowed to import hazardous materials in certain amounts after receiving a permit from the ministry based on recommendations from the officials overseeing drugs and foods for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries, he said.

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