Indonesia-US activities in water supply, sanitation fields

The US Embassy and Indonesian government counterparts held a round table discussion on Wednesday about holding a sanitation month in Jakarta, the US Embassy here said in its official website Thursday.

The round table discussion was also about Global Handwashing Day on October 15 and how to work together to increase access to water and sanitation across the archipelago.

As part of both nations’ Comprehensive Partnership commitment, the USAID Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (IUWASH) project will continue working with the Government of Indonesia to increase access to safe water for two million people and provide sanitation for 200,000 people.

The project will reach poor populations in urban areas, and address the challenges water utilities face in ensuring water access and availability, such as climate change and increasing water demand in urban areas.

“With strong national government leadership and the full support of local governments, it is evident that Indonesia`s efforts are beginning to produce results. The role of local governments will be particularly critical if we are finally to declare victory in these efforts,” explained USAID Mission Director Glenn Anders.

Water and sanitation are basic needs that have lasting impact on issues of economic growth and the achievement of national development performance targets.

Unfortunately, clean water and access to sanitation facilities are still a challenge in Indonesia. As of 2009, only 47% of Indonesia’s population had access to safe drinking water.

Basic sanitation facilities reached only 51% of Indonesians. The 2015 Millennium Development Goals are ambitious: providing drinking water services to nearly 60 million Indonesians and sanitation services to 35 million.

The United States, in partnership with the Government of Indonesia, will continue to support increased access to water and sanitation in Indonesia.

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