Indonesian government urged to build diesel power plant on Enggano island

The people on Enggano Island in Bengkulu province have urged the local government to build a diesel power plant (PLTD) to illuminate thousands of homes which are still in the dark, stated an official.

“Some houses already operate on solar cell but thousand others are without electricity; and therefore, we ask the North Bengkulu district government, where Enggano Island is situated, to build a diesel power plant for them immediately,” Karya Enggano Foundation Chairman M Basyir Kauno stated, here on Thursday.

According to him, people have been waiting for a long time for the local government to fulfill their promise to build a power plant for them but so far, there has been no sign of implementing it.

“We want the government to build a diesel power plant immediately to illuminate thousands of houses which are still in the dark,” Kauno asserted.

He pointed out that state electricity company PT PLN of Bengkulu branch, in 2011, planned to build a hydro micro power plant (PLTMH) for the people on Enggano Island.

A preliminary survey for the project was conducted then to build the hydro micro power plant at Malakoni village by using the Kuala Besar river stream.

Kauno added that the survey also covered the volume of water required from Kuala Besar River to generate electricity for the houses across six villages on Enggano Island, but the project has yet to materialize

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