Indonesia’s forest moratorium needs to be extended, expanded: Expert

Indonesia`s forest moratorium should be extended and expanded in order to be effective in further reducing gas emissions and deforestation rate, according to an expert.

“The greenhouse gas emission reduction Indonesia reached 8.3 percent. It`s a lot, but it could be expanded by among other things reviewing the existing concessions,” Jonah Busch of the World Resources Institute (WRI), said here on Monday.

Speaking in a discussion on “Indonesia Forest Moratorium 2011-2013: What Next?”, jointly hosted by WRI, Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) and Puter Foundation, Busch suggested that the moratorium should also include secondary forests, mangroves, and new logging concessions, as well as review the existing forest concessions in order to achieve the government`s gas emission cut target of 26 percent by 2020.

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