Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited to float tenders to give 130 MW solar power to state electricity distribution companies

You might soon get more sun-power. The Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) is offering 130 Mega Watt of solar energy to bid for. In an exhibition of power and renewable energy systems ELAsia 2013 held in Bangalore on Thursday, KREDL general manager Vijay Dev announced that, tenders will be floated in two months time.

“There is 130MW of solar power in the offing and last time when we bid for 70MW, the lowest price hit at Rs7.94 per unit. This time also we hope that the price will come down by a rupee during the bidding process,” he told TOI.

The solar power generation reduces the need to purchase power from the exchange and other states like Chattisgarh, from where a lot of power is drawn during peak seasons.

He said that this helps the state power corporation and distribution companies when they buy huge quantity of power from outside sources. He said that the tenders are finalized but it would be floated in two month’s time because of the change of administrators in the renewable energy development body.

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