Opposition proposes cash for cans recycling

The State Opposition will introduce a bill into Parliament to create a ‘container deposit scheme’ in a bid to boost Western Australia’s recycling effort.

Under the scheme, 10 cents would be refunded for every can and bottle handed in for recycling.

It already runs in South Australia and is about to begin in the Northern Territory.

The Opposition Leader Eric Ripper says he believes there is strong community support for the initiative.

“We need a plan to have everyone work together to clean up our state and promote recycling,” he said.

“It will get everyone working in Western Australia to lift our recycling rate, which is the lowest in the country, and clean up our state.”

Mr Ripper says the initiative will not cost the Government any money.

“It pays for itself because not everyone takes the bottle back to collect the deposit so the administration costs of the scheme are paid for by unredeemed deposits,” he said.

“It’s actually a saving for everyone.”

The Environment Minister Bill Marmion says the Federal Government is already considering a national scheme and he would like to wait to examine that option first.

“I’d like to actually get the regulatory impact statement, which I think is due at the end of this year, look at the options and look at it in a proper considered manner,” he said.

“But, certainly I’ve detected a fair bit of support both from the community and from other states.”

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