SAE, IEEE partner on vehicle-to-smart-grid tech

Two of the world’s leading technology standardization groups have signed an agreement to partner on vehicle-to-smart-grid standards.

The memorandum of understanding has been signed by the IEEE-SA (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association) and SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers). It is essentially a first step to both organizations agreeing on future standards related to smart grids and vehicle electrification, including vehicle-to-grid communications, the organizations said today.

The immediate effect is that the two groups will share draft standards on any technology relating to smart grids and “vehicle electrification,” with the opportunity for each to have input on those drafts.

This is significant because the SAE, which includes the world’s leading automotive manufacturers, has already developed 46 standards relating to electric vehicle technology and is currently developing over 30 more with the help of 24 “ground vehicle electrification committees” totaling over 780 members, according to the SAE.

Most notably the SAE established the SAE J1772, a standard charging system and coupler for plug-in vehicles that was agreed to in 2009 and officially published in January 2010. Since then, it has been widely adopted by automakers including Ford, General Motors, Honda, Nissan, and Toyota.

Meanwhile, the IEEE has more than 100 smart-grid standards in development, including 30 that will directly impact the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework and Roadmap for Smart Grid Interoperability Standards, according to the IEEE.

The hope is that the collaboration will lead to definitive global technology standards for the development and use of the technology so that neither consumers nor manufacturers are inhibited by compatibility or safety issues and so that the technology can move forward faster.

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