Sino-Swedish biomass fuel research project fruitful

A bilateral cooperative project on the study of biomass fuel sponsored by the Chinese and Swedish governments has made initial progress and is expected to enter the experimental phase, according to experts speaking at a workshop held in Beijing on Tuesday.

A group of scholars from China Agricultural University and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, as well as officials from China’s Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Science and Technology, attended the Sino-Swedish Workshop on Biofuel Feedstock (Cassava Stem) and Future Pellet R&D Cooperation.

Attendees of the workshop heard briefings on the progress being made on the project by Chinese and Swedish scientists.

Xiong Shaojun, an associate professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and head of the project’s field research team, said they have succeeded in growing plants used for biofuel, including cassava and switchgrass, in southwest China and north China, respectively.

Swedish scientists have been able to process the biofuel plants from China using their own technology, laying a sound foundation for the future utilization of the technology in China, experts said.

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