Two ministers to facilitate geothermal projects in forest areas

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Jero Wacik and Forestry Minister Zukfili Hassan on Monday inked an agreement to facilitate implementation of geothermal energy projects in production and protected and development of the same energy sources in conservation forest areas.

Under the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed by the two ministers, the two parties would coordinate with each other on and speed up the issuance of licences for geothermal development projects in production, protected and conservation forest areas in the country.

Jero Wacik said on the occasion the country’s need for energy was increasing continuously and therefore development of alternative energy sources including geothermal had become an absolute need.

“We will, from now on, more seriously encourage development of geothermal energy sources,” Wacik said, noting that 40 percent of the world`s geothermal energy potentials was to be found in Indonesia.

Forestry Minister Zulkifli Hassan for his part said the agreement with the energy and mineral resources minister was made in line with a presidential instruction to speed up development of geothermal energy resources.

“This MoU will support the government`s program to build a 10,000-MW power production capacity,” he said.

Jero said in the MoU the two sides had set the time required to issue a license for the initiation of a geothermal development project in a protected forest area at 1 to 7 months and to speed up the issuance of permits for 28 such projects across the country.

The 28 projects were located at Lumit Balai, Sarulla, Karaha, Telaga Ngebel, Bedugul, Gunung Ungaran, Gunung Rajabasa, Rauntau Dedap, Gunung Tampomas, Hu`u Daha, Sorik Merapi., Sokaria.

Also at Tangkuban Perahu, Balwen Ijen, Baturaden, , Wayang Windu, Patuha, Dieng, Kaldera Danau Banten, Cisolok Sukarame, Lili Panangawan, Sungai Penuh, Hululais, Kamojang 5 and 6, Sibayak, Iyang Argopuro, Kotamobagu and Darajat.

“The stipulation of a maximum period for the issuance of a license is meant to give the developer certainty in applying for a license and to minimize the possibility of overlaps in the designation of the forest areas concerned,” Jero said.

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