West Sumatra offers investment opportunities in renewable energy

The provincial administration of West Sumatra presented a number of investment opportunities in the field of renewable energy, under the Regional Investment Programme, at the National Investment Seminar 2012.

“The potential renewable energy investment opportunities in West Sumatra are in geothermal and hydropower plants,” the governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno said at the opening of the seminar organised by the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) here on Thursday.

He noted c5rrently there were 17 potential geothermal sites in the province, with a capacity of around 1,600 megawatts.

However, Irwan added, there was only one site where preparations for exploration were under way.

According to the governor, the event showed provincial administrations were ready to receive investments from businessmen, because the authorities promised to simplify the licensing process.

Irwan said the fact that Padang, the capital city, was an earthquake-prone area should not be a constraint for investment.

He noted Japan was frequently hit by earthquakes but the investment level in the country was high.

“Therefore the earthquake is not an obstacle to invest. We just have to ensure we make the investment safe,” Irwan said.

West Sumatra was chosen as the host of the event because the Trade Ministry considered the province to be serious about investment.

The seminar, which highlighted the investment potential of the region, was attended by the delegates from 33 provinces and opened by Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan, who is also the head of Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM).

The event was attended by businessmen from all over Indonesia and neighbouring countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore and India.

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