By Bike to the Sea, a CO2 free bicycle tour around Romania

By Bike to the Sea, a bicycle tour from Bucharest till the sea, has become a CO2 free event, thanks to Carbon Expert and Allcot.

The event, which is on its 10th year now, gathered 450 amateur cyclists on Saturday and Sunday (23-24 April) to ride a distance of 305 kilometers.

The Fuel-Switching Project is posed to have the capacity to reduce approximately 417,000 tons of CO2 equivalent emissions over a 10-year time frame.

Beach riders age 12 to 77 years old participated in the event. Many participants were from Bucharest, but there were groups that come from Craiova, Brasov, Cluj or Constanta.

“The hardest day of the race was the second, with hills and winds to negotiate. But that made completing the race with greater satisfaction. It was not an easy thing, but our mission was to show that there was nothing impossible for an ordinary man,” said Lucian Manduta, event founder and very known journalist in Romania.

By Bike to the Sea was the first of a series of laps assisted by amateurs. This year, the organisers proposed Delta laps in Sinaia, the Danube Boilers and Transylvania. More information about this is on

About Carbon Expert

Carbon Expert is an independent consultant based in Eastern Europe, specialising in the CO2 emissions and international voluntary carbon markets. For more information about Carbon Expert, please contact Casiana Fometescu, .

About Allcot

Allcot is an end to end sustainability solutions provider that develops, manages and trades in all sectors related with climate mitigation. For more information on Allcot, please contact Grattan MacGiffin, .

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