CHIVA - Handcrafted Bamboo Veneer

Greenearth Culture has embarked on a journey to develop a social enterprise. An enterprise that will help develop a much neglected and conventional product called the bamboo matte with a further neglected but vast workforce of traditional artisans.

Large number of women artisans skilled in “Handwoven Bamboo Craft” refrained from it due to lack of economic returns and unjust association of the product with social discrimination. With the result, craft workers possessing inherent traditional skills ended up doing whatever menial jobs were available.  The lack of opportunities compelled some of these skilled artisans to migrate to cities to engage in low paying jobs.

The potential to put to use an environment-rejuvenating material, with hardcore design intervention and application of Kaizen techniques by Greenearth Culture yielded rich dividends and thus was born “CHIVA”, an eco-friendly alternative to surface lamination like Formica/Sunmica and Veneer. Chiva has been treated with non-toxic preservatives to increase its life expectancy and treated with natural dyes.  It also has an extended application for product design, packaging and of course, the imagination of the users.

Our website will give you an insight on Chiva and its applications and a few products that were developed using Chiva.

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