Concelex, the first CO2 neutral construction business in Romania

Concelex, a well-known civil engineering and construction business based in Romania, has signed a three years agreement with Allcot to measure and offset its annual carbon emissions. Concelex designs and executes turnkey civil and industrial engineering works, including modernisation and repair of road infrastructure; extension and repair of water and draining networks and water supplies, having developed its business all around Romania, but also in other countries, like Germany.

In 2015, Concelex was responsible for generating 144 tCO2e (metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent), mainly from employee commuting, energy consumption, flights and hotel stays. The company has chosen to offset these emissions by investing in an equivalent number of tonnes of carbon credits generated by a Brazilian project, which generates clean energy from the capture and combustion of landfill gas, therefore becoming the first CO2 neutral construction business in Romania.

Measuring its footprint and offsetting its unavoidable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a key component of the concelex’ sustainability strategy. This carbon zero emissions strategy has been implemented in Romania with the help of Carbon Expert, the official Allcot partner for Eastern Europe.

“We have decided to invest in sustainability through Allcot and Carbon Expert to help to preserve our planet. Through the agreement, Concelex demonstrates its environmental commitment and supports climate-friendly operations by neutralising the greenhouse gases it produces”, says Daniel Piturlea, General Manager of Concelex.

“Allcot is delighted to be partnering with Concelex on their sustainability journey that is targeting zero emissions with reduced operational costs. This collaboration is very exciting for us to be involved with”, says Alexis Leroy, CEO of Allcot.

“I am glad that Concelex decided to embrace sustainability goals and is currently working on a three years plan to reduce CO2 emissions related to its business. We value our collaboration with Allcot Group, and we see that more companies in Romania are voluntarily willing to promote CO2 offset sustainability concepts”, says Casiana Fometescu, Founder of Carbon Expert.

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