Masdar to host International Water Summit

The 2nd International Water Summit (IWS), a unique platform for promoting global collaboration on water sustainability to be held Jan.20-22 at Adnec, hosted by Masdar and in strategic partnership with Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA), has confirmed that almost all available exhibition space has been sold for the 2014 expo.

Organisers of the event, Reed Exhibitions, attribute the interest in this year’s show to the growing recognition regionally and globally that water security is an issue that cannot be ignored by any country. The IWS’s collocation with the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) stems directly from the need to identify holistic solutions to both energy conservation and water scarcity.

Almost the entire exhibition space has already been sold for next year’s event, even though floor space has been increased by twenty-five per cent since the previous edition of IWS.

“We’re seeing many more companies and government organisations from the UAE and the region, but the interest from abroad is growing significantly as well,” said Ara Fernezian, divisional managing director in the UAE of Reed Exhibitions.

“We have significant participation in IWS2014 expo by companies and pavilions from 20 countries including the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Japan, Italy, the USA, Germany and Singapore. This region faces many critical water issues, but it is also a testing ground for new advances in efficient water desalination, treatment and technologies.” said Fernezian.

Another important highlight at IWS is the strong local and international interest in the Sustainable Water Solutions Village - a venue for the discussion of the most pressing water issues facing the UAE, the groundwater crisis and access to financial resources for farmers looking to invest in less water-intensive farming methods.

The exhibition area at IWS attracts a wide range of stakeholders in the water sector keen to share their latest innovations, demonstrate their sustainability credentials, and develop new relationships for business.

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