SOMPO HOLDINGS receives ISO 14001 for all group companies in Japan

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings, Inc. (President & CEO: Kengo Sakurada, hereinafter “SOMPO HOLDINGS,”) announces that it has received blanket ISO 14001 certification for 27 group companies (as of April 1, 2015) encompassing 538 operating sites and more than 40,000 employees in Japan.

The ISO 14001 certification recognizes the nationwide CSR Management System that SOMPO HOLDINGS launched in April 2015 to serve as a common platform for advancing the CSR initiatives of the Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Group.

ISO 14001 Accreditation

Certification date: January 13, 2016
Registered scope: All operations related to the property and casualty insurance, life insurance, and financial business of the Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Group
Certification authority: Japan Audit and Certification Organization for Environment and Quality

SOMPO HOLDINGS CSR Management System

SOMPO HOLDINGS has been operating and improving its Group CSR Management System since 1997 when it became the first financial institution in Japan to receive ISO 14001 certification. A major feature of the SOMPO HOLDINGS CSR Management System is that, in addition to following the ISO 14001 guidelines, it also adheres to ISO 26000 guidelines for social responsibility, which include human rights and consumer issues.

SOMPO HOLDINGS has appointed 2,500 employees as CSR-Eco Facilitators charged with ensuring that each workplace carries out CSR initiatives effectively and promotes activities engaging communities and business operations.

The CSR Management System is the Group’s common platform for cutting CO2 emissions and creating new products and services to mitigate the impact of climate change, such as the weather index insurance to protect farmers from financial impact of severe drought.

Going forward

SOMPO HOLDINGS is using the common platform of its CSR Management System to advance its Group CSR initiatives and as a nexus for designing and offering forward-thinking products and services aimed at resolving social issues and helping realize a resilient and sustainable society.

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