SunEnergy Europe & the largest municipal solar park

SunEnergy Europe, exhibitor at the 7th Southeast European Renewable Energy Exhibition (13-15 April 2011), announced the opening of Meldorf municipal solar park in Schleswig-Holstein.

The Meldorf solar park clearly illustrates how big solar power generation has now become. “The fact that the town of Meldorf has become virtually energy-independent in terms of yearly consumption as a result of this project alone, demonstrates that photovoltaics is playing an ever greater role in shoring up German energy supply”, Dr Hartwig Westphalen, CEO of SunEnergy Europe, said.

The solar park was financed using a citizen participation model, which factored in preferential bond subscription terms for the town’s residents. 350 investors, 161 of whom are from the region, acquired an interest in the plant operator. Around 2.4 million Euros were raised by citizens in and around Meldorf. This equates to approximately half the solar park’s equity capital. The investors’ expectations are set to be exceeded: the yield produced by the solar park to date has already surpassed original calculations.

Meanwhile, the 100% CO2-free electricity produced by the park will form the foundation for long-term, sustainable energy production in the local community. Given the high levels of insolation in the region and the efficiency-boosting, cooling effect of the wind, the 38,000 solar modules installed in the park are expected to cover the yearly electricity demand of over 2,000 homes. Projects such as this clearly demonstrate the manifold advantages of photovoltaics for sustainable regional development. SunEnergy Europe GmbH is convinced that this fact deserves significant attention in the current political debate regarding the speed of photovoltaic capacity expansion. Local use of photovoltaics is essential to reducing both the dependence on finite raw materials and carbon dioxide emissions which damage the climate.

Via Expo – the organiser of the event is proud to announce the success of its exhibitors. The annual South East European Congress on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 2011, taking place parallel to the Exhibition, presents a perfect opportunity for the leading players of the renewable energy sector to bring the new technologies, products and services to the Region, to find new partners and clients. Special accent will be put on the Waste-to-Energy session with 15 speakers from 10 countries: Germany, Austria, Romania, Slovenia, Japan, Canada, USA, UK, Serbia and Switzerland.

The latest developments in EE & RES Financing, Energy Efficiency and Decentralized Energy, Waste to Energy, RES Electricity, Smart Grid Platform, Renewable Heating & Cooling and e-Mobility, are among the topics to be discussed at the three-day event.

At the Exhibition there will be national and group participations from Spain, USA, Austria, Slovenia, Finland, Germany, China as well as individual companies form Switzerland, Denmark, Bulgaria, etc. To name but a few – Vestas, Sun Energy EUROPE, Hyundai, Global Wind Power, Fronius International, KPV Solar, etc.

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