巴布亚新几内亚 新闻

Knasaimos Peoples receive decree of land rights
The Knasaimos peoples of the South Sorong Regency in Papua have been granted legal land rights over their indigenous lands. However, enforcing these rights remains challenging, with a lack of political will by the Indonesian government to enact the draft law on Indigenous peoples, and persistent targeting of merbau timber by loggers.
Hands together for teamwork
While gender was one of the first items addressed and remains a priority, experts say Asia has lingered on this issue for too long, neglecting other vital areas.
Global rainforest loss 'relentless' in 2020, but SE Asia offers hope
With just days to go before the end of the year, it has closed two more projects in Indonesia, bringing the initiative to complement the palm oil industry's efforts to end deforestation in Southeast Asia closer to its near-term target.
Palm oil companies across Southeast Asia are liable for the recovery of a Puerto Rico-sized area of forest because of their history of environmental harm, a new report shows.
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Eco-Business Changing Course exhibition
Eco-Business has launched new subscription plans for our community. We invite you to support our independent journalism and thought leadership initiatives to forge a sustainable Asia and beyond.
logging in borneo
A new study finds that illegal roads have enabled illicit logging, mining, poaching and land grabbing in some of the world's most biodiversity-rich ecosystems.
Peace with Nature Singapore
Founder and managing director Jessica Cheam investigates the relationship between business and our natural world, and shares about the genesis of Eco-Business in this book chapter contribution to 'Peace and Nature', a book compilation of 50 essays and edited by Professor Tommy Koh, Lye Lin Heng and Shawn Lum launched in Singapore recently.
Children on railway damaged by Pakistan floods 2010
Forced migration is a major cause of language extinction. Environmental disasters are driving these displacements in the very regions richest in languages.
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