The world is just five years away from a deadline to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, part of a comprehensive global blueprint to reconcile economic progress with environmental …
On November 27, 2024, Fair Finance Asia (FFA) launched a new report, Towards a Gender-Transformative Energy Transition in Asia, which reveals critical gaps in the consideration of gender equality and …
Asia's net-zero transition requires between US$26 trillion and US$37 trillion in investments over the next three decades to meet the Paris Agreement targets, according to the Asian Investor Group of …
The Covid-19 pandemic has diverted resources from tackling rabies in Southeast Asia, where the disease has been spreading. This white paper investigates the prevalence of rabies in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, …
The tobacco industry in Indonesia is inseparable from controversies and problems related to children's rights. To date, the tobacco industry has not accepted its responsibility for the high number of …
There is a growing trend in Asia of governments and the private sector coming together to address social needs, and CAPS' latest study spotlights these "public-private partnerships for social good." …
This whitepaper sought to understand the ways in which cloud technology has benefited society, as well as to identify the ingredients needed to ensure greater digital inclusivity and sustainable growth …
How can we decarbonise even while building better cloud solutions? This white paper explores the viable solutions available to help data centre operators fight the rising tide of environmental challenges.
Over 8 billion kilograms of plastic enter the world's oceans every year. Marine plastic pollution has become one of the most pressing environmental concerns facing the world today. Asia, in …
Unsustainable lifestyles in Asia are a concern for everyone; it counts 20 of the most polluted cities in the world, of which 13 are in India. Yet, air pollution wasn't …
In the past few years, Indonesia has heavily relied on fossil fuel as the main energy source in all economic sectors, ranging from transportation, power plant, to household.
With the tagline "Taking the Pulse of the Planet", State of the World's Birds is a major global assessment that uses bird species to measure the health of our ecosystems …