研究 / #urban planning

Freezing in the tropics - Asean's air-con conundrum
Southeast Asia is facing a growing cooling crisis, but its people remain unaware of the threat that inefficient cooling technologies can pose to national development and the environment, finds a …
Flood Controls in Southeast Asia
As the nations of Southeast Asia underwent rapid economic and population growth from the latter part of the last century, they also experienced rapid change to their traditional ways of …
Sustainable Cities: From Possibility to Reality
Dutch manufacturing company AkzoNobel and sustainability media firm Eco-Business held the inaugural Cities:Possibilities forum on 8 November 2016. Read this outcome report for highlights from this insightful dialogue.
Harnessing public-private cooperation to deliver the New Urban Agenda
The Harnessing Public-Private Cooperation to Deliver the New Urban Agenda report emphasises that the future of cities largely depends on the way urbanisation is managed and public-private collaboration is leveraged …
The Global road-building explosion is shattering nature
We are living in the most explosive era of road and infrastructure expansion in human history. Road building--and the Pandora's box of environmental changes it brings to forests and other …
Autodesk C-FACT methodology arms cities to tackle climate change
Free, openly available tool from Autodesk enables cities to set science-based climate targets. By Emma Stewart, Ph.D., Head of Sustainability Solutions, Autodesk and Daniel Aronson, formerly Research Lead Director, Sustainability …
Expect the Unexpected: Building Business Value in a Changing World, Part 3
In this report we offer a starting point for discussion. We present a system of ten sustainability megaforces that will impact each and every business over the next 20 years. …
Expect the Unexpected: Building Business Value in a Changing World, Part 2
In this report we offer a starting point for discussion. We present a system of ten sustainability megaforces that will impact each and every business over the next 20 years. …
Expect the Unexpected: Building Business Value in a Changing World, Part 1
In this report we offer a starting point for discussion. We present a system of ten sustainability megaforces that will impact each and every business over the next 20 years. …
Expect the Unexpected


Expect the Unexpected

The executive summary (PDF 585 KB) of the Expect the Unexpected: Building Business Value in a Changing World report shows that population growth, exploitation of natural resources, climate change and …
Report warns of ways climate change threatens food security of urban poor
Increasing food production is the main policy prescription for addressing food security, but this neglects the crucial importance of access and affordability for low-income urban residents. This according to the …
Cities and Biodiversity Outlook
Global urbanization will have significant implications for biodiversity and ecosystems if current trends continue, with knock-on effects for human health and development, according to a new assessment produced by the …
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