Your electric vehicle emits 75 gCO2/km… at the power station

We all know that an electric vehicle has zero tailpipe emissions and the popular counter argument is usually “what about the emissions at the power station”? This Ecometrica paper answers that question by presenting a definitive figure of gCO2/km for UK electric cars when CO2 emissions at the power station are taken into account. Based on a range of electric cars that you can buy in the UK this year and next the average emissions are 75 gCO2/km.

The full report also includes calculations of electric car emissions in China, Greece, France, Canada and the USA.  Along with measuring standard power station emissions, the author explores “upstream” emissions sources with a wells-to-wheels analysis.  He gives authoritative answers to questions including:  Is an electric vehicle more efficient than a petrol or diesel car, and will electric vehicles reduce emissions in the UK?

To find out more click here.

Ecometrica is a company of specialists and experts in greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting, ecosystem services, climate change policy, remote sensing and web based programming.

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