Image: U.S. Agency for International Development
6. 清洁饮水与卫生设施

6. 清洁饮水与卫生设施



Image: U.S. Agency for International Development
Image: U.S. Agency for International Development
Image: Eduardo Fonseca Arraes/Flickr
Image: U.S. Agency for International Development

To adopt SDG 6 清洁饮水与卫生设施, in support of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, please contact us at

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Catastrophic floods, exacerbated by climate change, destroyed the Melamchi water supply project in 2021. Reconstruction is underway, but community safety measures are absent.
Critics say removing ocean plastic can be expensive, harmful to animals and detract from efforts to stop waste at source.
Post-pandemic Asia is working to revive tourism revenues, but overtourism is straining the environment and local communities, highlighting the need for sustainable tourism support from sending countries.
The Philippine government has approved 99 hydropower projects in the mountainous Cordillera region, part of a broader plan to rely on renewable energy sources for 35 per cent of the country’s power by 2030.
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As India's water availability declines, a holistic approach to water pricing will be needed to avoid conflicts.
While rainfall is important, how it is collected, stored and distributed is crucial to dealing with the region’s increasingly drier spells.
sand mining on the Mekong
The rampant activity reduces freshwater supply in turn affecting crop output, drinking water and the general ecosystem.
While rainfall is important, how it is collected, stored and distributed is crucial to dealing with the region’s increasingly drier spells.
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Jack Johnson and Jessica Cheam
独家 Jack Johnson says yes, but it is a long road ahead. In this exclusive interview, we ask the American singer-songwriter and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador about his hopes for the state of the world and how music plays a role in providing a dose of optimism in dark times.
Watch: Singapore researchers are trying to give banana skins and coconut husks a new lease of life in water purification kits that can be used in disaster situations. They could one day also be used in the manufacture of batteries.
Kids recycle
EB工作室 Recycling is key to tackling Singapore's waste problem, and everybody — including kids— can do their part for a better future.
manila bay with boats
The Philippine government has begun the process of relocating more than 200,000 families living along waterways to restore Manila Bay, the main body of water in the capital.
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"We are already at 1.1°C of warming – a matter of life and death for the Global South", says Professor Winston Chow, the recently appointed co-chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's working group on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability.
The Singapore scientist, recently elected to the UN's top climate body, tells the Eco-Business Podcast about the precarious state of climate adaptation in developing Asia. The region is not well-prepared to manage the cascading risks of extreme climate events, he says.
WEF China
The World Economic Forum – best known for its Annual Meeting in Davos since 1971 – has been a dynamic platform bringing together the best in business, politics and society to shape global industry agendas. How is WEF helping to shape China’s economic goals alongside its environmental and societal priorities?
capitaland podcast feature image
独家 Following the launch of the CapitaLand Sustainability X Challenge, Eco-Business speaks to the Group's chief sustainability officer Lynette Leong on why sustainability innovation is defining the next phase of growth for the real estate giant.
The EB Podcast talked to Rob Kaplan
2020 was a bad year plastic recycling and ocean pollution. Eco-Business asked Circulate Capital CEO Rob Kaplan how the circular economy can be rebuilt in Asia this year.
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