#COP17 新闻

In November, the world’s governments will convene in Panama for a major meeting on wildlife trade—our explainer unpacks the big points for South Asia ahead of CITES COP19.
Ban Ki Moon at Doha COP 18
Doha, Qatar - United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday urged governments to make progress, warning that …
An energy consumption cap, equivalent to no more than 4.2 billion tons of coal, may be set by …
A national Green Climate Fund will soon be set up to facilitate future financial flow from the global …
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#COP17 观点

Rich countries must step up with more investment in climate action to achieve a safe and prosperous future for all.
cop 19 warsaw
Between now and September, countries are expected to submit views on what architecture they foresee for a successful climate change agreement in Paris.
Dressing up failure as victory has been integral to climate-change negotiations since they started 20 years ago. The …


Inside COP17

Why UN climate summits like the one in Durban are challenging, but worth covering
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#COP17 视频

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#COP17 播客

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