#forced labour 新闻

Agricultural workers in the US
EB工作室 “Homeshoring”, or moving production back to a company’s home country, to counter geopolitical tensions is driving demand for low-cost migrant workers, raising labour risks in markets once deemed “low risk”, says the global assurance firm.
Climate villains 2024_Collage
Exploitation in the mining sector gave rise to the term "blood nickel", while ad agencies were in the spotlight for working with fossil fuel giants. Here are the individuals and organisations that made the headlines for the wrong reasons.
A palm oil harvesters cutting down fruit bunch
EB工作室 The rules will ensure safeguards are in place to strengthen labour conditions and close loopholes to curtail land grabbing incidents, says Leena Ghosh, head of human rights and social standards at the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil.
Sime Darby plantation workers' houses
The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Ruman Rights (UNGPs) defines HRDD as a process of identifying, preventing, mitigating, and accounting for any human rights violations.
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#forced labour 观点

An updated law prohibiting forced labour is limited to formal employment relationships. Workers in sectors that are unregulated are not sufficiently protected, nor does the law reach workers who have free movement, but suffer mistreatment.
workers loading oil palm fruits
Import bans bring social issues to the fore forcing agribusiness to assess their obligations to their workforces. Are such regulatory bans the best way to address the social issues prevalent in the industry?
Coltan mine, Congo
When forced labour practices are part of supply chains, it is reasonable to ascertain that environmental degradation may be present too.
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leaf background pattern