#IoT 新闻

eFishery's co-founders Gibran Huzaifah and Chrisna Aditya
Just months after talking about going public following a successful US$200 million funding round, Southeast Asia’s first agritech unicorn eFishery has appointed a new interim CEO and CFO, in its second leadership shake-up this year.
Spotting elusive jaguars in Mexico's wetland reserves and hearing the calls of the Hainan gibbon have become easier with the use of intelligent sensors, cameras and AI. Global conservation union IUCN, which has an ongoing partnership with Shenzhen-headquartered Huawei, wants more tech firms to help with wildlife monitoring efforts.
nusa lembongan indonesia
Nature-based solutions are gaining traction as a way to help corporations decarbonise. Where are the challenges in scaling these solutions, and how is innovation growing the space?
Scientists in a lab in Singapore
EB工作室 Research laboratories can consume up to 100 times as much energy as office space of the same size. Is smart technology the solution to boosting energy efficiency without compromising safety?
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#IoT 观点

Hydrogen supply system at DLR Cologne
Optimising green hydrogen production in Asia Pacific will rely on visibility across the value chain. A new data infrastructure model can improve our ability to extrapolate insights from existing plant projects.
woman farmer in bangladesh
There are 21.5 billion interconnected devices worldwide, yet 1.4 billion adults still have no access to banking. This presents an opportunity for leapfrogging straight to digital identification and the IoT for processing transactions.
floating medical clinic in Bangladesh
As managing medical conditions becomes increasingly more difficult in rural areas, technological advances could go a long way in improving access and patient care.
London smart city
Greater awareness of sustainability coupled with the need to adopt digital solutions during the pandemic has ensured that cities continue to become smarter by the day.
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#IoT 视频

Jovie Montajes, founder of Light of Hope PH
After 20 years without electricity, more than 50 households in Cebu's poorest district have been provided with solar energy, financed by carbon offsets.
singapore boat cruise
At the recent Technology + Sustainability: The Road to Smart Cities event, Singapore's public and private sector leaders gathered for a crystal-ball gazing session to answer one key question: Will technology deliver a better future for Singapore, and the world? And if so, how do we get there?
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#IoT 播客

Marina Bay Sands lasershow in Singapore
EB工作室 Technology evolution is widely regarded as the key to managing challenges such as climate change and inequality; but there's also the risk that the changes arising from this won't make society better. How do we get innovation right?
EB工作室 [The EB Podcast] What are the hardware, software, and financing challenges the world needs to navigate before the enticing vision of the Fourth Industrial Revolution becomes a reality? And what are the risks to avoid along the way?
girl in japan with robot
EB工作室 [The EB Podcast] Will the Fourth Industrial Revolution truly deliver a more efficient, and sustainable future for everyone? Find out in the inaugural episode of The Eco-Business Podcast.
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