#rice 新闻

Rice paddy in China
Amid accusations of fraud, lax auditors and problematic offset certifiers, is the carbon credit market still credible?
In a nation of farmers, the Philippines is now importing more rice than any other, heaping poverty and debt on struggling sector.
The decades-long shrimp aquaculture on Bangladesh’s southwest coast, which negatively impacts the environment in many ways, including creating a freshwater crisis, is now losing its importance as the farmers are gradually inclining toward agriculture again.
Levels of methane in the atmosphere have soared by record-breaking amounts since 2020, according to new research.
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#rice 观点

Farmer working on a rice field in Bali, Indonesia.
The expected advent of the La Niña might portend a double-edged sword for affected regions.
There is a case for relaxing Vietnam’s long-standing restrictions on the use of land meant for rice cultivation.
marcos and xi jinping
Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos, Jr began his administration by vowing to prioritise clean energy and curbing climate disasters. Eco-Business scrutinises these pledges and asks what he must address to stay true to them.
Irular people
Climate-resilient agricultural knowledge has always been there among Indigenous groups, we just need to learn from them.
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