As Singapore-based salad bar chain SaladStop! marks its 10th anniversary, co-owner Katherine Desbaillets talks to Eco-Business about phasing out meat, food waste and single-use packaging, and dealing with customers who refuse to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag.
The sea of green on the Kampar Peninsula is one of last large intact lowland peatland forests of Sumatra. Five years ago, Restorasi Ekosistem Riau was established to ensure the biodiversity and the livelihoods it supports are protected and restored.
Indonesia has made significant progress in fighting the fires caused by slash-and-burn forestry that choke Southeast Asia annually with toxic air pollution. Eco-Business spoke to the chair of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) about what it will take to put the fires out permanently.
Toshiba's newly unveiled multi-functional printer with in-built erasable printing capabilities is a world first, and can slash paper use in offices by as much as 80 per cent.