#rare earths News

Environmental defenders across Southeast Asia face threats, violence and legal hurdles in their fight for justice. Five share their struggles.
Ahead of Donald Trump’s second term as US president, a rerun of his first trade war with China is firmly on the cards – and minerals key to the energy transition may end up in the crossfire.
Global Witness warns that mining for green energy is fuelling conflict and human rights abuses in Asia and elsewhere, urging tougher standards and protections.
Environmental activists say they see no letup in fossil fuel burning and environmental degradation under Indonesia’s new president, Prabowo Subianto.
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#rare earths Opinion

Land use of Australian coal mines
Major industry players are working together to create a voluntary global standard that can certify minerals as responsibly produced. But such a framework would consolidate the power and influence of these mining giants and allow them to act with impunity, while providing false assurances to investors, governments, and consumers.
Prohibiting mining in key areas can safeguard biodiversity and Indigenous rights in the energy transition.
If unchecked, deep sea mining could impact fish stocks and Pacific Island communities along with it.
The dumbo octopus
Deep sea mining is about to get the green light and companies itching to exploit it have a head start on authorities.
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#rare earths Videos

hydrogen powered homes
A Thai firm has built the country's first homes that runs on solar power for 24 hours a day, using a hybrid of solar PV panels and fuel cells.
dead ev battery
Japanese firms venture into solar energy storage using discarded electric vehicle batteries, complementing the country's move to continue building more solar power plants.
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#rare earths Podcasts

Nodules on the deep sea floor
Pro-miners argue that deep-sea mining is essential to enable the energy transition. On the Eco-Business podcast, Sian Owen of the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition argues why nature's last frontier should be protected, not exploited.
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#rare earths Research

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