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Coal-fired power plants are driving a health crisis in Southeast Asia, where fine particle pollution causes millions of premature deaths annually.
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Rafizi and Nik Nazmi
Exclusive A new carbon capture and storage bill is due to be tabled next month at “record speed”, amid plans to import carbon dioxide from Japan and South Korea. Environmental advocates have called CCUS an ineffective decarbonisation lever.

Industry Spotlight

With alternatives such as sustainable aviation fuel still too expensive and low in demand for the aviation industry to consider, carbon offsets could be a way to reduce emissions – if used right. EcoSecurities and the International Air Transport Association tell the Eco-Business podcast how airlines can ensure compliance when new regulations become mandatory


Quote of the day

Asia will have to work towards decoupling economic growth from emissions...There can be no compromise on the eventual goal: close to net-zero emissions around the middle of the century. That timeline is set not by politics or economics, but by nature.


The number of cancer cases in Singapore is on the rise even though the hazardous material was banned more than 30 years ago.

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With alternatives such as sustainable aviation fuel still too expensive and low in demand for the aviation industry to consider, carbon offsets could be a way to reduce emissions – if used right. EcoSecurities and the International Air Transport Association tell the Eco-Business podcast how airlines can ensure compliance when new regulations become mandatory

Special Reports

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Southeast Asia's digital economy is booming. Keeping its environmental footprint in check will require innovative solutions to build, operate and decommission data centres sustainably.
Fossil fuel advertising on media_concept photo
No publisher in Asia has publicly rejected Big Oil ad dollars to date, and most provide a platform for fossil fuel brands, described by UN chief Antonio Guterres as "godfathers of climate chaos". Journalists and news consumers believe dirty energy advertising discredits climate-related content, but support for a tobacco-style ad ban is limited.
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This special report looks at how a coal plant in Batangas, Philippines, could become the world’s first to be retired using the novel class of carbon credits. Are the methodologies sound, and how will just transition plans be implemented?
After just over a year since the MT Princess Empress disaster in Oriental Mindoro, environmental groups have renewed calls to ‘make polluters pay’ as the nation grapples with more frequent super typhoons and yet another massive oil spill, now closer to the Philippine capital.

Press Releases

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
One year after its adoption in Bonn, the Global Framework on Chemicals today launched its first call for projects targeting the safe and sustainable management of chemicals and waste. The …