Stephen Hall

Research Fellow in energy economics and policy

I currently hold a postdoctoral research fellowship in low-carbon energy futures with the Realising Transition Pathways project, and the IBUILD infrastructure consortium My research is focussed on the technological, financial and governance challenges of transitioning to sustainable energy systems.

I am interested in the links between economics, energy, climate change and society. My work draws on quantitative and qualitative understandings of energy transitions. In particular I am interested in the role of cities and regions in delivering infrastructures compatible with low carbon futures. I have undertaken international work on urban emissions modelling, infrastructure finance and energy decarbonisation. I am interested in finding new ways of delivering secure, affordable and low-carbon energy systems at the city regional scale.

After completing my MSc I worked for over five years in environmental management, pollution prevention, climate policy and waste strategy in the public sector. I then undertook my PhD research on sustainable urban infrastructure at the University of Hull, investigating how cities can deliver low-carbon transport infrastructures.

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