Ina Porras

Senior researcher (environmental economics), Shaping Sustainable Markets

Practical design and assessment of market-based mechanisms for forests, soil and water conservation (such as Payments for Ecosystem Services and carbon offsets); economic valuation of environmental services (e.g. biodiversity and water); value-chain analysis for agro-business and impact assessments. Main interest in legitimacy, equity and inclusivity in economic instruments and conservation.

Trustee at the Plan Vivo Foundation, advising on smallholder and community carbon projects.

Current work:
ESPA project on streamlining monitoring for smallholder and community PES, alongside the Geoscience and the business schools of the University of Edinburgh, the Plan Vivo Foundation and partners in Uganda and Mexico.

I enjoy working in capacity building and development of training material for different audiences, ranging from teaching at the University of Edinburgh, to preparing materials for practitioners and business in Latin America, Africa and Asia. I have ample experience working with local collaborators and as a team member in global consortiums and engaging with donors, practitioners and policy makers in multiple countries.

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