2017 Renewable Cities Forum

2017 Renewable Cities Forum

Renewable Cities Australia provides a forum for all involved in policy and planning, in business or in community groups, to share their progress and learn from others on this common journey to 100% renewable cities and towns. It also showcases how renewable energy, generated in urban areas in homes and buildings, may be stored and managed, and the exhibition features innovative energy solutions displays and electric transport options.

With the theme of  “PLAN, INNOVATE, LEAD”, the forum centres discussion on how to increase clean and renewable energy using smart systems in Australian cities and towns, and the workshop explores the opportunities for low-carbon transport solutions. This is a MUST ATTEND event for government, business leaders, policy makers, planners and professionals working towards Australia’s clean-energy transition.

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Mary Hendriks
[javascript protected email address]

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