5th Annual Waste Management Middle East Forum

Waste Management has become an increasingly important item on the social and economic policy agenda for Middle East nations. With the success over the past editions, Fleming Gulf brings to you the 5th Annual Waste Management Middle East Forum.

Investigating into techniques ranging from sorting and recycling, waste incineration treatment, anaerobic digestion, reducing NORM and radioactive contamination treatments, the forum will feature industry case studies and best practices to achieving zero waste whilst understanding the global regulatory framework and the initiatives being taken in the GCC and Middle East.

With the theme “Pushing for greater environmental protection enforcement and accountability”, the forum shall discuss the current issues that are inhibiting the outreach of local efforts’ and possible means of overcoming them. Reflecting upon some of environmental initiatives emerging in the Middle East and the GCC region, panels will debate the innovation in the waste management sector and a sustainable development approach by creating value from waste.

Focus in 2014:

  • Fostering environmental leadership in the region
  • Waste as a resource
  • Regularization of WEEE recycling activity
  • Waste prevention prospects and challenges
  • Regional GCC and international case studies on initiatives of Waste to Energy recovery

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Madhura Gaikwad
[javascript protected email address]

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