7th Solar Kenya 2020

7th Solar Kenya 2020 is the largest event on solar energy and technology to showcase your products to the top decision-maker in the world.

Kenya is all prepared to spend USD 2.1 billion on electrification in off-grid areas focusing on renewable powered mini-grids. As part of the nation’s 2016-21 strategic plan, the Rural Electrification Authority aims to install around 450 mini-grids powered by solar sources.

The 7th Solar Expo Kenya will not only serve as a platform in Kenya but the entire East and Central African region. Participation in 2020 is expected to rise by at least 30 per cent owing to the ever-increasing need for solar projects and products in Africa.

Come, be a part of progress in Africa!

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Lisa Arnell
[javascript protected email address]

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