Amid the backdrop of an international health crisis and economic turmoil as painful consequences of Covid-19, there has also been a lot of much-welcomed news of reduced carbon emissions, cleaner water sources and sightings of rare animals cavorting in city streets.
While it is great to see nature healing and rebounding during this time, we also need to keep in mind that increased worldwide plastic usage is also one of the side effects. Staying inside has increased food and grocery deliveries, causing a surge in the number of takeaway boxes, plastic bags and plastic utensils we use. Supply chains are being strained to meet a surge in demand for single-use packaging and medical supplies.
Although tackling the use of single-use plastics might seem like an insurmountable feat, each and every one of us can our part in moving towards a zero waste lifestyle. It is important that we understand that this is not an an all-or-nothing decision. Begin by taking small steps to reduce our waste and you’ll be surprised by the substantially positive effects on both the environment and yourself.
Join us as we discuss ways to easily implement more sustainable practices into your day to day - even while staying at home.
Due to the current uncertainty surrounding Covid-19, this event will be online. All registered participants will receive the zoom link via email.
Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran
General Assembly Singapore
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