All hands on deck: Tackling illegal wildlife trade in Singapore’s maritime industry

All hands on deck: Tackling illegal wildlife trade in Singapore’s maritime industry

WWF-Singapore and the National Parks Board would like to invite you to the “All hands on deck - Tackling illegal wildlife trade in Singapore’s maritime industry” webinar. Through this virtual session, we will introduce the importance of tackling illegal wildlife trade and share best practices and resources that the maritime industry can use to identify suspicious shipments of wildlife products.

Our panelists, from various stakeholder groups, will discuss challenges and opportunities they have faced, and the whole-of-industry approach required to combat the exploitation of the maritime shipping industry for wildlife trafficking.

Container shipping is the dominant method exploited by illegal actors globally for smuggling large quantities of wildlife products such as elephant ivory, pangolin scales and timber. This is due to its cost-effectiveness as a transportation mode, inherent supply chain vulnerabilities and a low likelihood of detection.

How can the government, companies and industry leaders come together to detect, deter and halt illegal wildlife trade in maritime supply chains passing through and into Singapore? Join us at our virtual event to find out more - email to sign up.

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