Asia Pacific Sustainability Leadership Forum 2012

Asia Pacific Sustainability Leadership Forum 2012

Date: Wed, 25 October 2012

Time: 9:00am to 6:00pm

Venue: Resorts World Convention Centre

Overview of the Sustainability Landscape


Registration and Morning Coffee

8.45am Welcome Address


Opening Address by Guest-of-Honour

9.15am Creating a Sustainable Future: Making Tomorrow Better

Building a sustainable future requires meeting needs upon which economic development depends, while improving social conditions and adequately protecting the environment. People want the future for their children to be better than the past. We hear about “solutions” for climate change and sustainability every day, but it often sounds like the future will be dismal. What really are these “actionable” solutions, how do we think about solving the whole problem, what are the actual numbers, how do we keep track of progress, and how do we make the future better than it is today?

Andrew Hobday, Chief Sustainability Officer, Mars Incorporated

9.45am Building A Sustainable City - Challenges, Opportunities and Partnerships

To move towards a lower carbon economy, a multifaceted paradigm shift across a broad spectrum, from individual’s behaviour to national policies is required. As the global community witnesses growing populations worldwide, nations are gearing up with the planning and development of new, sustainable and intelligent cities, built to create a climate for sustainable growth and securing a liveable environment. The session will spotlight on east-west opportunities, address issues and provide case studies for a more liveable and sustainable future.

10.45am Tea Break

11.15am CEO Panel: The Sustainability Edge - Managing Stakeholders’ Expectation

As companies strive to build businesses which incorporates sustainability as a key and strategic consideration, the challenges to “do well while doing good” have become more complex as stakeholders require greater accountability whilst demanding better financial performance. The panel will discuss how CEOs can do a better job of meeting these expectations as they grapple with more regulations, markets preference for green products, employees’ aspirations and their companies’ share price.


Heinrich Jessen, Chairman, Jebsen & Jessen (SEA)

Dorjee Sun, CEO, Carbon Conservation

12.00pm Presentation of the International Cleantech Network (ICN) Partners

The International Cleantech Network (ICN) is an exclusive network of cleantech clusters in the world’s leading cleantech regions, aiming to generate new business opportunities, enhance competitive advantages and create value for companies, knowledge institutions and local authorities across cluster regions.

- Singapore Sustainability Alliance (SSA), Singapore

- Aclima, Spain

- Colorado Clean Energy Cluster (CCEC), USA

- Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, Denmark

- Eco World Styria, Austria

- Lombardy Energy Cluster, Italy

- Oslo Renewable Energy & Environment Cluster (OREEC), Norway

- Research Triangle Region Cleantech Cluster (RTRCC), North Carolina, USA

- Renewable Energy Hamburg, Germany

- Tenerrdis, France

12.50pm Networking Lunch


2.00pm to 6.00pm

Sustainable Development and Clean Technology

The responses to fight climate change may present a series of green opportunities. Proactive parties have not only the required knowledge and experience but also the motivation to develop sustainable energy innovations. This fireside chat will discuss the potential for technology commercialisation opportunities and partnerships. The session will also aim to identify the main obstacles and challenges therein.


Jan Luca, Plewa, International Relations Manager, Hamburg Renewal Energy

Advancing Water Managment to Boost Economic Competitiveness

As the Earth’s resources gradually come under strain from global economic growth and development, solutions and links need to be forged to achieve a sustainable and equitable access to water. Establishing a clean water sector to conserve scarce water resources will inevitably help enhance economic competitiveness. As the industry looks toward developing new integrated and sustainable solutions, new business opportunities and technology spin-offs will open up. This session will explore state-of-the-art technologies and identify new business opportunities that will emerge.

3.30pm Tea Break

Smarter Grids: Exploring the Energy Storage & Transmission Business Case

Whilst harnessing clean energy remains top on the agenda in catering to the increasing global electricity load, energy management and smart grids remain a crucial component in the optimisation story. This session will shed light on best-of-class tecnologies that would drive commercial opportunities and revolutionize the way industries utilize renewable power systems.

Christophe Kieny, Innovation & Partnership Project Manager, Tenerrdis

Fuel Cells : Challenges, Opportunities and Breakthrough Potential

The ultimate goal for Fuel Cells is to decrease the world’s dependence on oil and gas, reducing carbon emissions, and enabling an alternative to clean and reliable power. This session will explore the impact of new research and a range of barriers facing the development and deployment of hydrogen and fuel cells globally. The panel will also discuss business opportunities in addition to critical factors such as government policy, societal perception and environmental factors amongst others.

5.50pm Chairman Closing Remarks

End of APSIF

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