Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) 2013 – Southeast Asia

The Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards program (AREA) recognizes and honors asian businesses for championing sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the following categories: Green Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment, SME CSR and Responsible Business Leadership.

These programs demonstrate the participants’ leadership, sincerity and on-going commitment in incorporating responsible and ethical values, legal compliance, respect for people and individuals, involvement in communities and protection of the environment into the way they run their businesses. There is no limit to the number of categories each business may enter as long as the participant is able to meet the criteria.

The Awards are held in four sub-regions of Asia, namely, South East Asia, Eastern Asia, South Asia, and West Asia. The Ceremony, in South East Asia, will see over five hundred attendees, including business and government leaders, diplomatic representatives, social and community leaders, local and international media.

The award is an extension of our founding pillars of Responsible Entrepreneurship and Investment in People and forms part of the Enterprise Asia triangle of Responsible Entrepreneurship; Environment, Community and People.

As Asia’s leading award for responsible entrepreneurship, AREA aims to inculcate a culture of ethics and universal justice in the running of businesses as part of a sustainable entrepreneurial framework.

If your company or organization conducts CSR practices in the areas of Community, Environment or Employees, this is your chance at gaining recognition for your CSR practices, as well as sharing, educating and further inspiring others to take up CSR initiatives and help improve the world we live in. Nominations are now open; to register your interest in the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2013 South East Asia, kindly contact Enterprise Asia’s representative.

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

Nashdev Singh
[javascript protected email address]

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