Championing the climate fight at the local level: The British Embassy dialogue with local chief executives through ULAP

Championing the climate fight at the local level: The British Embassy dialogue with local chief executives through ULAP

UPDATE: The date for this event has changed to 2nd March 2021 

Can local government units champion the Philippines’ climate fight?

While the world remains dangerously behind schedule in slowing down the catastrophic impacts of climate change, recent years have seen incremental—yet, insufficient—progress towards climate action.

Amid the pandemic, some local government units (LGUs) have demonstrated major progress in advancing low-carbon development, building resilience, and driving impactful climate action. While the progress has been significant, many more LGUs can be engaged to champion the climate fight.

Local chief executives are uniquely positioned to start a new chapter in their LGUs’ socio-economic recovery.

Eco-Business and British Embassy Manila invite you to join “Championing the climate fight at the local level”: The British Embassy dialogue with local chief executives through the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) to be delivered by Eco-Business.”

The dialogue features local chief executives, local legislators and local functionaries on a knowledge sharing dialogue about low-carbon post-pandemic recovery. Local level leaders (e.g. in the UK) will also share solutions that can be locally adopted. A renewable energy finance expert will also speak on unlocking finance for solar energy infrastructure.

See the event agenda here.

This is a by-invitation only event for Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Philippines. Write to to join.

2nd March 2021 3:30PM PHT |7:30 AM GMT


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