Infraline Energy is coming up with the “Annual Conference on Water & Waste Water Management in India, June 26-27, 2013, Hotel, Le Meridien, New Delhi” with the purpose of bringing together the major think-tanks and stakeholders on a common platform to brainstorm and delve deeper to realize the potential of this industry in India.
The conference will be divided into various sessions like
- Water & Waste Water Management – Overview & Regulatory Perspective
- Water & Waste Water Treatment Technologies in India
- Issues & Challenges marring the Development
- Waste Water Management
- Water Management
- Way Forward & Noteworthy Projects
We hope you will consider attending or nominating officers from your organization for this important event.
We value your association.
Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran
Ankit Gupta (+91-9718944234)
[javascript protected email address]
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