Global Zero Waste Cities Summit

Global Zero Waste Cities Summit

Hosted by GAIA and Zero Waste Europe, the Global Zero Waste Cities Summit: Local Leadership for Climate Resilience is happening on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 7-11 GMT (Asia Pacific, Africa and Europe), 16-20 GMT (Americas). Together with experts and advocates, we will:

  • discuss the latest developments on zero waste as a proven, cost-effective strategy to both reduce waste pollution and help cities reach their climate goals; and
  • meet hundreds of municipal officials, zero waste implementers, and fellow changemakers.

The GZWC Summit is going to be a live, interactive, virtual event spanning all timezones and multiple languages (Bahasa Indonesia, Spanish, Portuguese, and more). For further inquiries on the programme, please contact the secretariat at or message us on our social media pages: Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Hubung Penaja/Peserta Pameran

GZWC Summit Secretariat
[javascript protected email address]

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